Please download the template here: Paper Format
Authors are invited to submit abstract/full paper using the On-line
Submission System. Any problems about the submissions, please contact:
If you need some additional suggestions about how to organize or write your paper, Please Click to check "Additional Advise for Inexperienced Researchers" from Prof. Ian McAndrew.
Abstract Submission (Presenters), For presenters, the submitted abstract should contain a sufficient summary of the paper and outline of goals, results and conclusion, including conveying sufficient understanding when read in isolation from the paper.
Publication & Index
All accepted and presented papers will be published in digital conference proceeding, which will send to be reviewed and indexed by major citation databases such as Ei Compendex, Scopus, CPCI, Google Scholar etc. Selected papers will be considered for submission in journal after significant extension. |
original papers will be considered. the manuscripts must not be previously
published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Must not be under review by any
other conference or publication during the review cycle.
Any forms of plagiarism or self-plagiarism is unacceptable. All full papers submitted will be detected by originality detection tool during the editorial process. Before you begin, we recommend you to detect instances of overlapping and similar text by using cross-check tools such as iThenticate (
The paper perceived plagiarized will be rejected immediately, and it will be retracted by the publisher if the paper is published. If the authors found errors or inaccuracies after publication, please communicate to the conference support team immediately.
A pre
submission self-check is helpful to save time and efforts of authors and
reviewers in review process, to some extent it will also help improve quality of
submissions. We therefore suggest authors conduct careful self-check before
submitting a paper to the conference.
Here are tips of self-check as below:
Please make sure that the paper is of interest to the conference.
Please check the spelling and formal style to avoid misspellings or syntactical errors.
Please make sure that English language of the paper should be of sufficient quality to be understood.
Please ensure that the layout conforms with the abstract / paper template of the conference.
Please make sure all individuals who have contributed substantially to the work have been listed as authors.
Please ensure the version of the manuscript to be submitted has been agreed by all authors.
Plagiarism Detection
Authors are suggested to conduct the plagiarism detection through iThenticate before submission. Please be noted that the crosscheck will run through all over the review and publication process. Once such unethical behavior was reported, the paper will be withdrawn, and no refund will be entertained.
Length and Paper Format
Submitted papers should be written in English, including all figures, tables, references, and appendices. Ordinary length limits are at least 5 pages. If the paper exceeds 5 pages, the additional pages will be charged.
Poster Presentation Size
Poster Stand: 59.4 CM wide by 84.1 CM high (A1 size) : Poster Template.
Conference Program
Jul. 25, 2025: Registration + Icebreaker Reception
Jul. 26, 2025: Opening Ceremony
Jul. 26, 2025: K.N. Speech+Technical Sessions
Jul. 27, 2024: Lab tours+Half day tour
Important Dates
Abstract Submission deadline: Feb. 1st, 2025
Full Submission deadline: Feb. 20th, 2025
Notification of acceptance: Mar. 10th, 2025
Registration deadline: Mar. 25th 2025
date: July 25-27, 2025
December 11, 2024 News! The ICWCSP has delayed to July 25-27, 2025. Welcome to submit your paper to ICWCSP 2025.
August 21, 2024 News! The second round submission has begun.
April 29, 2024 News! Welcome Prof. Xudong Jiang (Fellow IEEE), Nanyang Technological University,Singapore to make a keynote speech in the ICWCSP 2024.(Click)
April 29, 2024 News!
Welcome Prof. Bingli Jiao, Visiting Research Collaborator, Peking University, China
to make a keynote speech in the ICWCSP 2024.(Click)
April 29, 2024 News!
Welcome Professor Dr Chandratilak De Silva LIYANAGE,
Dean School of Digital Science (SDS), Director Institute of Applied Data Analytics (IADA), Universiti Brunei Darussalam,Brunei Darussalam
to make a keynote speech in the ICWCSP 2024.(Click)
Supported by
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia